Blackwing Pearl

Blackwing Pearl

Ask:"We want to rebrand the Blackwing Pearl to a younger, more hip and diverse target audience and increase sales of this amazing pencil.

Strategy: Blackwing will challenge the "status quo" by challenging their audience.

Insights: Creative people like nothing more than a challenge - the more difficult the better.

The pencil is perfect except for the erasers; they do not work. They smudge.


An artist is not defined by the challenge he or she is defined by his or her hunger. Practice is not the thing you do once you are good. It is the thing you do that makes you good. To those whose good is never good enough, to those who smile at blank canvases. These are the artists we are inspired by; these artists are you, the visionaries. Who see the challenge as an invitation, who never back down from the dream and always push for more, for better. You are never alone, along every step of the journey, from smiles to tears and back to smiles.

Campaign Teaser IG Roll Out


Challenge details

Campaign/Challenge Launch 

Campaign Touchpoints

Art Director: Maria Paula Arizabaleta



